• Gain the foundations of the right movements that are done right.
  • Rewire your brain and build the right mindset around movement.
  • Gain an understanding of fascia and its role in movement.
  • Learn about momentum, including its applications and benefits in daily movement.
  • Get introduced to self-myofascial release and its impact on improving movement.
  • Get introduced into our specialized stretching techniques.


  • Program Duration
    6 hrs
  • Training Level
  • Language
  • Format


Too much time spent without movement plus too much movement in very little time is the big problem we have in our modern world. I think it is one of the biggest reasons we are seeing all of these problems.” John Haddad
Our body adapts to our lifestyle. It is constantly taking notes of what we are doing on a daily basis, especially in stressful situations, and it’s molding our fascia and muscles to make our movement as efficient as possible. As amazing as that may sound, adapting to a bad lifestyle will cause all sorts of problems. Our modern lifestyle does not resemble our biological blueprint; alas, our body adapting to this lifestyle will lead us down a rabbit hole of postural misalignment and pain.
Movement is a tricky thing, it is right when it’s done right for the right amount of time. We are moving creatures, yet, moving too much in the wrong direction and moving too little will have the same effect on the body as adhesions, miswirings and misfiring between brain and muscles.
Our bodies were developed to walk, run, jump and throw, to navigate this landmass we call Earth. Meaning, it was designed to do complex movements for a long period of time outdoors, which runs counter to the way we lead our modern daily lives. Sitting in the office for long periods of time, coupled with sitting in our cars to navigate the world, to be finally met with abrupt sudden, hard, isolated mechanical movement for 45 minutes of our day.
Our intention here in this course is to give you a sense of what organic movement feels like. What rebooting your body to its primal function feels like. The closer we get to our biomechanics, the better our sleep, digestion, energy levels, mood swings…you name it; everything gets smoother.
This course is designed to help you through a series of releases, stretches and exercises designed in accordance with our biological blueprint, in order to help you move and feel better by reviving your muscle-brain connection, by assigning the right movement to the right muscle while introducing momentum into your exercises to do the right movements right.


John Haddad is a scientist and educator known in the biomechanics and movement world globally. He has been working as a “movement therapist” since 2011 and became known for fixing problems that couldn’t get fixed through the regular channels. This led him on a journey of figuring out how the body really works. Read More

His methods are based on fixing the body by teaching it to do the right movements right. His philosophy lies in his firm belief that “the brain controls the body and almost everything becomes easy once you understand how to program it.”
John carries out a wide range of training methods based on the right movements. He founded the Level-8 School of Biomechanics and Movement Therapy and helps elite athletes, primarily football players in the top leagues train better, recover better and move better.
The international media describes John as the “Miracle Man” due to his interventions with world-class athletes.
John dedicates his time to science, research and development, and training. He wrote his book Flex in 2021 and has been invited as a guest speaker on different panels, conferences and platforms around the world. His passion is reflected in his extensive training programs that he implements worldwide.

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The training is designed to be both practical and immediately actionable. You will have more than 8 exercises that you can implement in your work/life. You will obtain a certificate of attendance upon participating in the course.
Module 1
What is fascia?
Module 2
What is myofascial release?
Module 3
What is momentum?
Module 4
Benchmarking Movements
Module 5
Hydration of the Lower Posterior Chain
Module 6
Hydration of the Lower Anterior Chain
Module 7
Hydration of the Arm Line
Module 8
Hydration of the Transverse Line
Module 9
Hydration of the Lateral Line
Module 10
Hydration of the Medial Lines
Module 11
Benchmarking Movements, Again
Module 12
BONUS MODULE - Breathing